Saturday, August 29, 2009

3 good things

i’ve been chastised for being lacking in positivity, and was instructed to blog about 3 happy or good things everyday.

well, it’s worth a try right?


  1. my house has been in a huge mess and i’ve been slacking off cleaning it for the longest, longest time, but today i’ve finally got a clean house and bathroom and sink. yay.
  2. on a similar vein, i’ve been lazy on the washing and tidying up of clothes and random stuff, but it’s all done now! have to work to keep it up though.
  3. went food shopping and found relatively cheap smoked salmon pieces – sold cheaply because they’re the leftovers from cutting out the nice slices. i bought them, and made myself a smoked salmon sandwich for dinner! it was sooooo good and my first since i left london 3 years ago? and i still have enough for another sandwich tomorrow, and i’m going to let loose on the cream cheese this time. yum yum :)

summer camp 2009

so most of the last 2 weeks were spent at english summer camps for the english-intensive high schools, and im kinda glad they’re over!

the thing about camps – or perhaps just the ones that i was at – are that they just go on forever. imagine your day starting at 7.30 in the morning and ending at 9.30pm, with the student’s hour-long bath time around 5pm as your only proper break throughout the day. it doesnt really matter that the things you do arent actually that taxing – in fact, it’s precisely because it’s so untaxing and mind-numbing that it’s difficult to get through it – it’s just that the day drags on!

the first camp i had was in nara, and the students had to interview me and make a poster on me. they are excellent artists, and of course what’s written down there has to be taken with a pinch (or two, or several) of salt:

Photo-0077 - Copy

this is a really good likeness, isnt it?:


on the last day, the students had some time in nara, where they were meant to act as tour guides. but in this case, they didnt, and were more focused on enjoying themselves. in fact, i’ve been to nara more times than any of my students – only 1 out of 10 of them had ever been to nara!

i like the deer in nara




the deer eat paper – pamphlets, magazines, etc – too, so watch out!:


and once they latch on, they dont let go.


we found this one in a ditch beside the main road:


and another that has a very weird left antler which curves forwards and out, rather than straight up – just compare the right and left ones!


the second camp was in kyoto, and we stayed at the Honnoji Kaikan opposite the Kyoto City Hall (or was it the prefectural hall?). In any case, the hotel had amazing food and service! they gave us a kyoto sweet for every night that we stayed over, with a hot water flask and packets of sencha and houjicha. the futons were laid out for us at night too, and the rooms are spacious. and futons comfortable! i think they paid 8000yen for 1 night and 2 meals, which is very reasonable.

especially when your dinners look like that:


how sumptuous! sashimi, tofu, fish, tempura, some seaweed thing, chawamushi, soup and some yam thingy that was exquisitely prepared. this is the tempura – its batter was amazing:


breakfasts were simpler, but still appeared in that form. they always came with some form of egg (omelette or onsen tamago, which is delicious japanese-style soft boiled egg), fish, tofu – that will be heated in its pot using a solid fuel tablet, seaweed, soup, rice, pickles. yum yum.

dinner on the second day was sukiyaki, which was amazing:


the picture is blur cos of the steam, but man it was sooooo good. i love sukiyaki because the broth is tasty, and the egg that you dip the meat and vegetables in enhances the flavour. we had extra stuff to cook too, so i ate way too much. in fact, i ate too much throughout that camp!:



those were huge plates of stuff – to be shared between 4 pple, but in my case, it was shared between 3. and there was also some katsuo salad, with 5 pieces of katsuo. so yummy – that stuif wasnt cheap either!

at least the food at that camp was really good, because that, and hanging out with the guys chatting in their room over drinky drinks (ie alcohol) at night were the two things that made it endurable.

oh, and on the last day, the school hired other private ALTs so that the students could break into even smaller groups to act as tour guides of kyoto, and oh my. those private ALTs reminded me of how i was last year, and made me realise how jaded i’ve been!

last year, i was really excited, extremely happy-sounding, and really made the effort to appear energetic, positive and interested. i tried so hard to engage the students in conversation and was really into learning about the job and all that, whereas this year i was happy to sit and eat my food without talking too much to anyone while listening in on the student’s (japanese) conversation.

it’s interesting too, that few of the other JETs in the city find what we do unchallenging. im not sure if i’ve ever mentioned this here before, but to put things very simply, life as an ALT is, in my opinion, very unchallenging. i have very little actual hours of work, and basically my job is to do as i’m told by the JTE. of course there’s room for input and suggestions, but that doesnt take too much either.

in essence, it’s very easy work and doesnt require much of you. some of the rest find communication difficult as their JTEs do not have that good a command of english and they cant always communicate with the students, but i dont really have that problem. but even then, the fact that we all that sheer amount of free time at work is what really gets to me and is difficult to deal with. i suppose it doesnt help that i feel underutilised, and that im not really developing in any way professionally, nor is my potential being stretched at all..

oh well. ganbarimasu this next year, and in the mean time i’ll develop myself in other ways!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

another brief update

summer camp last week was… erm. so-so. have some pictures of stuff that are worth talking about, as well as some grumblings about booring 3 hours allocated to rehearsals.

heading off to another camp tomorrow – gonna be in kyoto, and the hotel looks nice! it looks huge too, which suggests that discipline might be strict in order that we dont disturb other guests.

there’s gonna be a “tour” of nijo castle on the last day which might be fun. i went there in spring this year, and it was pretty! friends who were at the camp last year also said that the food was good, which is something else to look forward to :)

bye bye bed for the next 2 nights..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

brief brief update

school’s started again – beginning with summer camps this time round. today was so rough cos i had to wake up sooooo early.

miss the days of sleeping late and waking up really late ..

gonna be in camp tomorrow, in nara youth hostel, which seems pretty crappy. for starters, the bathrooms are only open till 10pm, which is bloody ridiculous in my opinion!

tomorrow is another early, early day (earlier than today), and i’m obviously not too happy about it. grrrrr.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

kobe beef

for anyone interested, i went here on sunday, and the beef is really good! it’s recommended by w.y.’s boss and quite a few pple i know have tried it and approved :)

the beef is cooked teppanyaki style, so it’s nice seeing it grilled before your very eyes. the chef seemed quiteskilled with the knife too, and mine was perfect at medium rare (although to be honest, i think medium rare should have had more blood. but it was tender and juicy so no complaints there!)

for lunch, the set comes with rice, soup, salad and fried taogay and xiao baicai. so all that and 150g (too little!) of beef costs 2980yen.

apparently this is meant to be a very reasonable price for kobe beef!

china snippets – breakfast

chatting about the omelette i just made reminded me of the hostel breakfasts in china – they were all so amazing!

we had breakfast in the hostel for the first half of our trip, and i swear i went into major cholesterol and oil overload thanks to the breakfasts that came with 2 sunny-side ups, ham/bacon/sausage, toast, orange juice and perhaps a fruit salad/fruit.

breakfasts are really cheap in china for the price that you’re paying, and they’re not stingy on oil either, which means PERFECT sunny-side ups – with the yolk still runny – and very greasy and tasty bacon. the best breakfast i had was in suzhou, as the eggs were so well done that the whites were still slighty soft and not overcooked in the least. and of course they had a good portion of bacon too :) :)

plus, travelling with someone who doesnt eat eggs meant that sometimes i got FOUR eggs a day. i think this happened about twice, before i got really really sick of eating that many eggs in a day.

but china is awesome for sunny-side ups. and i’m really craving some bacon now. help!!


i broke 2 glasses today, both of which i like very much. one of them broke because it was stacked in another glass, and they both toppled when i was washing something else in the sink. that was the guinness glass.

the other one is a smaller glass that i really like because it’s cute and has about 8 sides to it. this one broke because i was washing the unbroken glass mentioned above, and it slipped and crashed into this cute glass.

and those 2 glasses arent even mine! :S plus, just 2 evenings ago, i broke a bowl when i was trying to be helpful and brought it into the kitchen to place in the sink.

the last remaining glass is one from okinawa featuring this okinawa brand of beer, and i think i will be staying away from it for the time being lest i smash it as well.

i think in these 3 days, i’ve broken as many things as i have in my entire life!

hangzhou day 3

the hostel that i stayed in had an extremely beautiful and playful male kitten:


he’s an amazing kitten and i REALLY wanted to bring him home soooo badly.


look at how he was trying to play with my arm and gnaw and claw at it.. so cute!!


on the hunt and distracted by a hand


stalking his prey over the couch


we were on our way to Qu Yuan Feng He, a collection of gardens on the other side of the lake. however, the taxi driver dropped us off halfway cos there was a traffic jam up ahead and he didnt want to get caught in it. we ended up having to walk about 2km :S


there are a lot of lotus plants along west lake


bridal shoot:


the weather was very hot that day though..

one of the gardens in Qu Yuan Feng He:


more rocks



i like this lotus, cos i’ve never seen dual-toned ones like this before! unfortunately it wasnt blooming very prettily..



the name of the gardens – things are a bit confusing in china, cos sometimes you’re meant to read from left to right, and at other times from right to left. in this case, it’s right to left:



i like this view:



i thought this was very innovative too, incorporating the pavilions and the round walls:


we caught a double-decker tourist bus on the way back, and here’s the view from it:


the man united team was in hangzhou as part of their asian tour, and a group of fans was waiting outside hyatt hotel:




Monday, August 17, 2009

hangzhou day 2 - 飞来峰 and 灵隐寺

Feilai Peak and Linyin Temple are apparently the premier sights of hangzhou. the former is described as such on Lonely Planet:

“The walk up to the temple skirts the flanks of Feilai Peak (Fēilái Fēng; Peak Flying from Afar), which is supposed to have been magically transported here from India. The real highlights here, though, are the Buddhist carvings lining the riverbanks and hillsides - all 470 of them, dating from the 10th to 14th centuries. To get a close-up view of the best carvings, including the famous 'laughing' Maitreya Buddha, follow the paths along the far (east) side of the stream.”

it was rainy that day, so the climb up some of the slopes were a bit dangerous.. here are some pictures. not many pictures at all, mainly cos of the rain and cos i was trying to keep my balance while trying to avoid all the china tourists. and i hate rain, so i was in pretty much a shitty mood that day..

look at how heavy the rain was:

DSC_0004 (2)

here’s the entrance to the grounds of the area:


it was also here that we met some pple who were trying to scam us. first, they told us that we were going in the wrong direction, then offered to show us to the correct place and were trying to lead us somewhere else. they said that you also have to wash your hands to purify yourself before praying as that’ll work better and some other crap.

here’s a pic of a guanyin who was carved into the rock:



i’d rented the audio guide, which came in mandarin for 10RMB. there werent any in english for this place, but in most of the tourist attractions, the mandarin guide is only 10RMB, while the foreign language ones are 40RMB. quadruple the price! but i still rented the english guides though, as this chinese one had cheem words that i didnt understand.



check out this big rock! can compare the scale with the boy:


here are more rock carvings that are in the open, rather than in caves like those above:


check out the number of tourists:








just look at the stream due to the heavy rain:


it was such that some areas were flooded, so we had to backtrack all the way to get across the stream to the side on which the temple was. and of course, my shoes were all wet and gross.

this is lingyin temple:


it was here at the ticket counter where i first experienced discrimination cos pple think i’m from china, compared to if you’re obviously a (white?) tourist. the lady at the ticket counter was so gross and pissed me off so bad. dont want to say anymore about her. gross.

anyway, the temple is quite nice as it has many really pretty buddhist statues, but i was in an awful mood then and you’re supposedly not meant to take any pictures anyway, so i dont have any photos of this place at all.

after we left that place, we had an extremely late lunch in this nice cafe:



and then went to check out another one of the parks next to the west lake, called “Orioles Singing in the Willows”:


it had nice carvings on the pavements:


mandarin ducks and dragons


i believe this below is Leifeng Pagoda, another famous landmark:



i think this would have been such a great pic if i had a DLSR, cos it’s blurry!!





and at night, while we were walking in the rain looking for dinner, we saw this:


quite interesting rite? it looked like the structure was on fire. no idea what it was though.. haha.