Tuesday, August 18, 2009


i broke 2 glasses today, both of which i like very much. one of them broke because it was stacked in another glass, and they both toppled when i was washing something else in the sink. that was the guinness glass.

the other one is a smaller glass that i really like because it’s cute and has about 8 sides to it. this one broke because i was washing the unbroken glass mentioned above, and it slipped and crashed into this cute glass.

and those 2 glasses arent even mine! :S plus, just 2 evenings ago, i broke a bowl when i was trying to be helpful and brought it into the kitchen to place in the sink.

the last remaining glass is one from okinawa featuring this okinawa brand of beer, and i think i will be staying away from it for the time being lest i smash it as well.

i think in these 3 days, i’ve broken as many things as i have in my entire life!