Friday, September 19, 2008

typhoon 13

so if you havent already heard, japan is, and has been for a while now, experiencing a typhoon with strong winds and really heavy rains in certain parts of the country, namely the southern coast. the typhoon has been and still is moving northwards from the west, and is hitting the coastal prefectures.

we were warned about it by one of the very nice teachers in the school, and when she heard that The Brit (i've decided to call him that, hence the capital letters) is going to shirahama beach this weekend (one of the famous beaches in this area) the other day, she freaked out and told him that it's "zettai dame!" (a definite no-no) to go there and strongly warned him against it.

so The Brit was all keyed up for a nice big storm - being from England he likes rainy weather cos it reminds him of home and gives him an opportunity to whinge, which is another favourite past time of britons, according to him - and was looking forward to it, but being inland (though osaka is next to the bay we're further north from the coastal wakayama prefecture) we hardly got anything more than some - not much at all; i think a typical thunderstorm in singapore gives you more rain than what we got today - rain and a windier day than usual.. but that was it! the storm came and went without us realising it.. hahaa.

The Brit was really miffed about that, and was whinging this afternoon - and still is, in fact; it shows on his facebook status - about what a pussy the storm was and so on. hahaa. things were - and are - more serious in other parts of japan that have gotten like really heavy rains and strong winds, flooding, landslides, infrastructural damage and so on. i suppose we're lucky, but it would have been rather cool to experience a typhoon of this magnitude as it's frankly not THAT huge a storm, and it would be an experience to undergo some really small scaled version of a 'natural disaster'.. i certainly dont want a huge disaster - or any disaster in fact; this typhoon is actually rather mild by the standards of the stuff that we read about in the news most of the time - but something stronger than crazy london winds and singapore style tropical thunderstorms would be interesting and an eye opener.

hope the weather's good back home!