Thursday, September 11, 2008

sunset in osaka

i took these around 6pm today from my balcony..

on the left is the Toppan building, which is a landmark we use to inform the taxi driver where we are.. you can see the river in the distance, somewhere on the right.


i like this because you can see the sun more clearly, and it reminds me of the wonderful picture i took in london.. i've used that picture in self-introduction class, and i get a huge kick out of telling the kids that i took it around 3.30pm. they all go "EhHH????" really loudly each time i do that. haha. the building on the right is one of the other blocks in my apartment complex. i think it's block 1..


you can see how dirty my camera lens is in this picture, from the spots that reflect the light. i think it's quite a nice effect though!



yuene said...

Woman, that's called lens flare LA!