Thursday, September 11, 2008


i took half-day leave so that i can pick my parents up tomorrow, which means a break from waking up at 6.30am! yay!

anyway, i've taken some pictures of the food that i've been eating (i think the first one was 3 weeks ago) so here they are:

wafu pasta set meal with the salad thingy that it came with


my warabi mochi and ice cream dessert that came with the stuff above - think it cost about 1500yen in all


my friend's mango pudding that was really nice:


there's this shop above the supermarket near my place that sells a mega big pitcher of parfait:


4 of us shared it, and were quite full afterwards!


my friend brought me to this place in kobe, and i bought this tempura set because i was craving for something a bit more unhealthy than the usual japanese food with its milder and simpler and lighter tastes


it was about 1500yen too, and the tofu (top right hand corner) was really really nice! it was nice and soft (and handmade), and you eat it with the warm yuzu/ponzu sauce and the chives. i liked it A LOT :)

there's this cake shop called Harbs that sells nice cake, according to a friend. she brought me there to try this one:


i'm a HUGE fan of chocolate cakes, but this fruit cake with layers of crepe in between was really light and VERY delicious! the fruits were really sweet too (i'm pretty sure they were soaked in some syrup, but it didnt taste artificial and was really nice), and i liked it a lot. it's not cheap though. i think this one slice was around 700yen. it was a rather big slice, but still... it's still quite ex!


she also brought me to this other place that had a 1000yen set lunch, which comprised free flow bread, a salad and a choice of a main course. i chose this:


it was so delicious! i LOVE my beef, and this was extremely well done! the sauce was amazing too! and the reason why i hadnt eaten chicken for 2 weeks was because fish is the cheapest meat (so i cook fish) and when i'm out i eat beef if it's possible as i dont get much beef most of the time in singapore.

unfortunately that day was the restaurant's last day in business - dont know why they're closing cos their business seemed really good! - and so i cant bring my parents there :(

finally, the waffle i ate in nara last sunday:


it was EXTREMELY good waffle as the waffle was just right for me, which is really hard to find. it was 700yen for the waffle and a choice of tea or coffee.