Tuesday, September 9, 2008


i'm not a fan of soups, but i cant possibly be raised drinking chinese soups for almost everyday of my 22 and a half years without developing some kind of inherent need for them..

i'm actually starting to miss soups, and while i'm not that far gone yet to want to start boiling stuff like soya bean soup and red bean or barley soups - someone had better send me singaporean cuisine like hokkien mee by express mail so i can eat it asap if ever that happens - i picked up some chicken bones, carrots, ikan bilis (they have them here, but of far inferior quality in my opinion) and some dried mushrooms that kinda resembled chinese dried mushrooms but dont have that strong a taste.

i'm just finished boiling the above - sans carrots - to make some soup for dinner tomorrow and the day after, and man. it feels good :) the soup doesnt have as rich a flavour as i hoped it would have - think i put too much water and have to be a lot more generous with the ikan bilis and dried mushrooms - it kinda tastes familiar and i'm actually looking forward to having that tomorrow *beams*

meanwhile, i have to declare that chickens are gross!! i had to clear out tonnes of fat from the chest and neck area of the chicken bones i bought, and the lungs as well. urgh. now that i've done that AND made soup stock of sorts, i feel like i'm on my way to becoming a housewife, which is really odd. one thing for sure is that i can never pass as a japanese housewife, because the bentos i make dont look as appetising as bentos ought to be. haha. they taste ok enough though, which is all that should matter i suppose. haha