Sunday, September 7, 2008

a short short note


  1. people in japan appear to like cats more than singaporeans judging by the sheer number of kitty stuff i've seen here. i've also acquired quite a bit since i arrived - 3 different sets of kitty stickets and two kitty chops! write to me so that i can write back to you and use all these pretty stickers!
  2. i hate the way food here spoils so fast! vegetables turn bad after 3 -4 days when in sg they can last a week in the fridge. it's really annoying cos you have to eat your food very fast and plan all your meals and shopping and shop very often. plus because i cook for myself only, if i buy something i end up eating the same vegetable for the next 3 meals which is BORING like hell.
  3. my parents think that i'm drinking a lot, which is not true!