Wednesday, September 3, 2008

singlish and singapore

today was the 3rd day of school, and i need more cool facts and observations about singapore! especially things that are unique to singapore or things that are different from japan, like the fact that we have double-decked buses and so on. the brit guy who's in the same school as i am has quite a few cool stuff, and i musnt lose to him! it's a matter of pride as a singaporean, and i have to do my best to showcase my wonderful country!

so i would be really thankful for any ideas!

things are ok so far. some of the students are really fun, but there are 2 really small classes of 4 and 8 students, and it's difficult to get the mood up in those classes as there're just too few people. i've been mainly doing self-introductions, and i think i need to be more interactive so that it'll be more interesting.

meanwhile, we've been placed in the english language resource room which is a wonderful place! while the other english teachers do walk in and out occasionally to get stuff, it's pretty much our private office, and it has a microwave, fridge, kettle, computers and just about anything we'll need, which is amazing. we dont have to leave that place except for the toilet, for classes and to get water to boil for tea. damn shiok lah!

and meanwhile i've been looking at the coxford online dictionary of singlish, and have been having a great time looking at all the singaporean english phrases! i'm going to teach the kids some of them, especially "catch no ball", which will be handy for them to use when they totally dont get what i'm trying to say in class. haha. and i've noticed that i say "yah" a lot, which is a TYPICALLY SINGAPOREAN expression! i didnt realise it till some kids were imitating me.. heh. i'm teaching my brit friend some singlish phrases too, and it's extremely entertaining as hearing him use them totally cracks me up. the angmohs simply CANNOT MAKE IT when it comes to getting the correct tone and expression for singlish!