Thursday, August 28, 2008

summer camp madness 1

well. i suppose i exaggerate when i say that it's been crazy, but it certainly has been tiring going for 2 camps almost back to back.

there're schools called intensive-english high schools in osaka city (and elsewhere in japan i'm sure), where the kids have more english classes than others, and these students are generally more motivated to learn english than their peers. all the ALTs have been assigned to either 1 of 2 schools' summer camps (most of us got 2), and mine were 3 days and 4 days each.

both camps were rather fun, though the standard of english and the attitudes of the students differed quite a bit. the programmes were roughly the same for both camps in that both comprised a short skit and a show and tell segment, while the 2nd camp included lessons as well. i certainly enjoyed the 2nd camp more as the students were more interested in learning, and they were really energetic and eager to talk to you. which is a great thing, because i didnt really feel like the students were interested in me in the first camp.

i'm sure it's partly due to my personality, that i'm not as much of a people person as some of the other ALTs, thus when i put in energy to be approachable and interesting and so on - all the stuff to make kids like you and be interested in you, which appears to be a very big thing when you're an in ALT, as the more interested they are in you, the more they'll be willing to talk to you and learn from you - i still fare less well than the others who're naturally more interesting people.

and i think where you come from definitely makes a difference. the most popular are the male caucasians, as so long as you're male and white, all the kids will love you, especially in english-intensive schools where they're just so many girls. there're quite a few girls around who want to many foreigners - by that they mean white men - which makes being white and male result in instant celebrity status.

then, looking different it helps too, so if you're black or a white female, the kids will be interested in you too. and i think the fact that i'm asian - and look just like the kids - plus not half as interesting as the rest just completely works against me in a camp setting where being interesting and so totally GENKI are very important aspects. i'm hoping that things will improve when i'm in my school where i can actually teach - hopefully - and try to make a difference somehow. the brit guy who's in the same school as i am was really popular at his camp too, apparently, but there're only 2 of us so hopefully i'll feel some love. haha.

my first camp was at this place called katano green village to the east of osaka city. the surroundings were nice and kinda rustic, and were really enjoyable when the weather got cooler at night:

view from the small porch outside my room


the steps up to my room. it's all the way up!


the river that we were next to



no cars on the road!


i love this view of the building:


one of the 2 main buildings we were in. the entire place is kinda like a camping area cum conference centre. there were quite a few families camping there when we were using the place too.



check out the huge gourd



lovely sunflower!


i'm apparently not meant to post pictures of students online due to privacy issues, so i'm afraid u all wont be able to see any... and regarding photos of food... i dont have that many to be honest.. when food comes i just eat! gomenasai..