Sunday, September 6, 2009

these days

have had lots of ups and downs, and i’m certain they’ll continue until i get my life back in order, or work myself up into enjoying myself and my own company more, or when i manage to engage myself more in things around me (because my job isnt giving me that satisfaction).

but i think i should continue trying to count my blessings. haha. at least it’ll make me think of happy(ish) stuff and hopefully provide something interesting for pple to read. LOL.

anyway, nothing much has been happening, although the bunch of us went to a mexican festival yesterday, which was a huge letdown in my opinion cos the festival itself wasnt much at all. just food stands and some performances at the umeda sky building, and fairly lacking in atmosphere. people raved about how good it was last year though, which was the reason why so many of us went, but it wasnt that great at all. i guess some people are just happy with mexican food and beer, which unfortunately doesnt completely cut it for me!

there were some beers there that were quite good though. Corona is apparently mexican, but modelo is a light beer like corona that’s a lot nicer, and there was another beer that was a darker beer that was smoother and tastier than modelo. that was a very nice beer. unfortunately by the time i’d gotten down to it, i was too full to finish and gave it away :( it was cute that we got 5yen coins with our beers for “good luck” though :)

went to maiko beach today, and it was good!! want to go there again, but i think there’s no more chance till next year.. boooo. didnt get as tanned as i’d wanted to, but the place and company were good :) :) the onsen was nice too, and i think i’m warming to onsen. HAHA. have to go to the good ones lah.. that’s very important.

hmm. that was very lazy of me, but im hungry and want to go eat something. after which i will settle down with my book and enjoy some good ian rankin sleuthing! yay.