Wednesday, October 22, 2008

random pictures

i've been wanting to post this for the longest time:


yes, it's of my toilet.. but i think it's SUPER cool cos the japanese are smart and have come up with a great way to save water:


when you flush the toilet, this tap will refill the cistern and you can wash your hands with the clean water too! such a wonderful way to reuse the water... and if you use soap to wash your hands, the soap will all go into the cistern and clean your toilet bowl when you flush it the next time too! i love the cute and cheap 100yen decoration for the tap too :)

and this is just a shot of the cake that i had on monday.. post-monday meeting cake-treat is going to be a weekly event i fear, and yes, i do eat cakes more than once a week, and yes i am indeed gaining weight :S


now here's a shot of one of the quite-a-few neoprints that i've taken since i came..


neoprints are so cheap here - they're known as purikura in japan. they cost 400yen, which is about $5, compared to the $11 you pay in singapore.. and the machines are a far cry from those we had in secondary school.. now, you can draw lots of stuff on the picture, and have really cool backgrounds. you can also choose to send certain shots to your handphone email address, which is how i got this picture.. everyone else in here is american or american-asian by the way.. the 3 of us at the bottom are JETs, while the guy is the boyfriend of the girl he's "dripping saliva" on, and the girl right at the back is the friend of the girlfriend.