Sunday, October 19, 2008

fukushima-ku and others

here are some pics that i've taken over the past week or so when i've been cycling or walking around my area..

post boxes in japan..


the medical school in the heart of osaka


an ambulance?


cool sculpture


the westin in the background


a small park with playground.. parks in japan tend to be in rather sorry shapes.. like overgrown with grass and looking a little dilapidated.. this is the worst i've seen though.. the one near my house and the other one near my school are in far better shape..


it was a beautiful day that day.. not too hot, not too cold


there're lots of above-ground electric wires/telephone lines (dont know which) in japan..


there's this area near my house with old wooden houses.. i discovered it recently, and i love cycling there cos it feels like what i think japan should be.. haha. the romanticised and idealised japan with wooden and old looking houses of my mind's eye..


it's definitely an older area compared to mine, just by looking at the houses..


a close up of one of the street signs near my house.. even though i live in sagisu 6-chome, everything that i pass by everyday is in ebie 1-chome. i'm really on the border of sagisu!


it struck me as rather interesting that there's an Eiffel-tower looking structure above the toyota corolla sign in the distance.. i have no idea why that structure is there.


something posted outside a dental clinic, probably written by the dentist working there.. heh.


spiral staircases are nowhere as rare in japan as they are in singapore..


the extremely grandiose sounding name of one of the apartment complexes near my house. many apartment complexes here like to have foreign names, probably for the same reason why condos back home have weird sounding foreign names too.


and i'll end off with one of my favourite sights in japan - multi storey bicycle parking! i think it's SO amazing the way they get the bicycles onto the top rack!
