Friday, February 5, 2010

chinese new year

is coming!

it’s on valentine’s day this year, and i was quite happy when my JTE at my other junior high school suggested doing a combined chinese new year and valentine’s day class. i brought some red packets – or angbaos - and passed them around the class, and was rather bemused when lots of them opened all the red packets to see if there was any money left in them.

i wanted to bring some pineapple tarts with me when i came back from singapore in january, but didnt have enough space. else i could prepare some new year goodies and invite people over, just to gently demonstrate that not everyone around the world necessarily cares that much about christmas.

i received a new year card from my mum the post today, and in it was a mega big angbao – mega by her standards – which sort of makes up for all the other smaller angbaos that i’ll be missing out on. yay :)