Wednesday, February 25, 2009


the very night i came back from the coldplay concert here, i discovered that they're performing in singapore too, and finally remembered to go check out the details of their concert on SISTIC.

and oh man, looking at all the events listed there just makes me feel so sad that im missing out SO MUCH on performances just by being here. so many good shows were on in singapore last year, and i found at least 3 performances in the upcoming 2 months that i would probably have gone for if i were back home. especially now that im drawing a salary, paying $40 for a ticket to a play or ballet wouldnt be that much of an issue anymore. even Cats, the musical, is going to be showing in the esplanade, and i wont be there to watch it.

nothing really comes to kansai, or even if they do, tickets are ridiculously expensive and sell out so darn fast. i think it might be a different thing for concerts though, as we paid 9500yen for coldplay (which is about $150), but the equivalent of those seats are going for $248 in singapore. but tickets for ballets and so on - well, i've only looked at tickets to ballets because i dont understand anything else, and there arent any foreign musicals here - are so crazily expensive.

sigh. close to 7 months here, and i've only seen 1 concert, 1 bunraku and 1 takarazuka musical, and it's not like all of them were things that i REALLY wanted to go for. the concert was because of external factors, and the bunraku and musical were for experiencing japanese culture. feeling slightly under the weather and moany here, but all i can say is that 3 shows in 7 months is something that would be plain unheard of if i were in singapore, considering i visit the esplanade more often than i go to the cinema!
