lots has been happening recently; juice and jelly came and went, and many other things have happened as well.
nothing much if you think about it though; i guess i've written enough cards and spoken to enough people that there isnt much more i want or need to put up here for the time being with regard to the events of the past 3 weeks. except to say that it has been a good 3 weeks so far, with lots of good times as well as a nice birthday too! :)
the lastest piece of news would be that i went to a cabin somewhere in the rural part of yoshino in nara prefecture over christmas and boxing day, and it was relaxing and rather nice. the most exciting part of it would probably be that we saw snow! it actually snowed a little on christmas - in the last 45min of christmas day - and it was very pretty. it was just light snow, but it was my first time seeing snow! small, white, soft specks of snow that was described as "proper snow" by some of the other JETs. so that was a good surprise because while we were hoping for a "white christmas", it's kinda a bit to much to ask for, as it hardly ever snows in this part of kansai.
and besides that, it actually snowed in OSAKA. we were returning home today, and it actually snowed for a while at JR osaka station! it was mainly because it was raining and the sky was so cold that the rain froze along the way, but it was snow nonetheless, which was really cool. this means though, that it's COLD in here, and i think i am indeed on the verge of falling ill. urgh.
i will be in shikoku for a week from sunday, so it'll be a while before another update!
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