Wednesday, November 5, 2008

highlight of the day

just had sesame oil and mixed (angmoh) herbs stir fried chicken, and wah.. so yummy! i accidentally poured too much sesame oil into the boil when i was marinating it, but it's super delicious! and when you add a bit of mirin into the pan a few seconds before turning off the fire... mmmmUmmmm! i'm not sure if i'll cook it again this way though, cos it was SUPER oily!

anyhow, check out what my student wrote:


this guy is really funny.. he's kinda disruptive in class, but he makes lessons SO interesting!! one day, he stood in front the class while the other teacher was reprimanding them for being noisy and scolded them too, when he's the one who makes the most noise. another time, he quibbled with the teacher over a small detail and said that she was being petty, and today he complained to his classmate - right in front of me - that i was using too much english in class...