Monday, July 14, 2008

osaka prefecture #1 in sexual assults!

oh man check out the full article here.

i guess when i'm there i should check to see if there're pple hiding around corners and be sure to close my door quickly!!

aidan says that he'll give me his small bottle of pepper spray. must remember to get it from him.

i was reading this article on harvesting garlic, and was reminded of the conversation some of us newly minted JETs had today over lunch. although my position as a super urban JET draws some envy, i kinda envy some of the others too! there are JETs who pay only slightly more than 7000yen in rent - i pay 49,000 after the housing allowance! and some dont even pay a single cent at all. mine is 1DK, while of course there are others with 2DK apartments. there's one who has been posted to Shimane prefecture, and apparently her predecessor has a garden with stuff like brinjal, onions and so on.

how cool is that?! i would like to grow some stuff too, and will try to do something about keeping potted plants.