Sunday, June 8, 2008

the responses i've received

i find it really interesting that few of the lecturers and staff of NUS whom i've informed about JET and my going to Japan have responded in a similar manner. of course, they either have a positive response, a more or less neutral (ie, it's just another job, but oh ok that's interesting) response, or express some reservations about it.

one of the geog technicians was rather taken aback, and said something like it's not that bad cos i'm still young and can afford to go to a country with such a high cost of living. he also thinks that i'll definitely change when i return, though i'm not sure he's referring to my appearance or mannerisms and attitude.

one of my japanese lecturers expressed that i'm actually going to an extremely urban/city environment, and wondered if that was i was hoping for. he's probably wondering whether i can handle the full-blown big city-life i think.. he even told me that Osakans speak Osaka-dialect most of the time hence it wont be easy until i get used to it, and warned me that it's not going to be "nothing but enjoyable experiences".

haha. i really think his response is quite funny (read: odd), as i honestly didnt expect him to have so much to say regarding this. plus the reminder that it's not going to be all rosy and a walk in the park... well :P heh.. but i do think that a longer response which induces mixed thoughts beats having someone only express brief and more-or-less superficial interest in what's happening.