Monday, June 2, 2008

Rent and Insurance - edited

i was surfing around trying to get more information about rent and so on, and discovered this blog: the writer actually managed to negotiate with his Board of Education to lower his rent and settle some repairs for his apartment, so it'll be good for me to remember to try doing this if necessary.. frankly, i dont think i need a 2 bedroom apartment if that means paying more for it.. haha.

apparently, we can also apply to get a refund on our insurance too. while it brings me hope, i would still wanna speak to someone about this (rather than just relying on hearsay) before i rejoice..

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a friend i met says that the JETs she knows actually get subsidies for their rents and end up paying very little for rent each month! hmmmmmmm. sounds hopeful!

how come i hear so many different accounts though???