Monday, March 22, 2010

i’m not dead yet!

though i might well have been, considering how little time i’ve spent out of the house these few days.

nothing has been happening as the term winds down to an end and people start leaving for their respective holidays.

what i’ve been doing LOTs of lately is sit at home and play Zelda on my DS Lite; i’m really lousy at games of any sort, but this game is really fun, very addictive and you can lots of help online. haha.

i’d been expecting to check out tickets for Hanshin Tigers a little later – sometime at the start of april – but a chat with YT started me looking at their website, and with luck tickets will be reserved by tonight and i’ll be seeing the Tigers kick the Giants’ asses in about 2 weeks. Thanks for asking me that all important question!!

Winter refuses to let up; the winds were terribly strong yesterday and it felt nothing like the 11 degrees that it was meant to be. it was probably 8 deg or less i think. but anyhow, the winds have been extraordinarily gusty for about a week or so; several were injured and trains and flights suspended due to strong winds in northern honshu yesterday.

i have been going out cycling – that’s how free i am! – on the rarer, warmer days recently too. apart from the cold, the weather has been BEAUTIFUL lately with lots of sun sun SUN! a few sights caught my eye on those trips out and about the neighbourhood.

a taste of france in the form of a coffee shop tucked in a back alley near nishikujo station:

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this made me think of somewhere in the mediterranean..

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coat of arms for this japanese firm. i also spotted an apartment block with a shiny gold king’s face in profile on its roof (something like this below). the name of the apartment was something something king’s mansion i believe.

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and this… i have no idea what inspired someone to erect a thing like this, never mind what the justification for it is!

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