Tuesday, November 17, 2009

it was cold…

Today was the first time that I’ve been in school for a week, and it feels weird. The bell seemed too loud, and my feet looked extra tiny in my indoor shoes.

My life hasn’t seemed like my own, perhaps because I’ve had a friend over for 3 days at the weekend, and it has been somewhat odd having another person around. We don’t know each other well, and I’d been bringing her around too, so there went my entire weekend. I’d been wanting to work on some stuff, but obviously it has hard to do so – I think I’ve taken for granted the advantages of being alone in a quiet house. That’s the hard part about living on your own – when you’re all alone you yearn for another human presence, yet when there’s another person about all you want is to be left alone. Gah.

* * *

The weather took a sudden drop – as is typical of osakan weather – from Sunday, and was 9 degrees outside today. 9 degrees! it was so cold that at one point in time i could see my breath condense as i exhaled. it’s insane, as that only happens in december. it reminded the brit of the weather back home, and i think i held up pretty well given what i was wearing. and i’d actually thought as i was getting dressed this morning that i might have been wearing too much!

It was funny to see the Australians yesterday all bundled up in their coats and scarves! The girl, who’s from Perth, had started wearing a heavy jacket about 2 weeks ago, which is crazy.

I cant help but feel like no one should be dressed warmer than I am, cos everyone else is from a place with colder weather than Singapore! Perth does have a winter, even though it’s perhaps around 16 degrees or so, and gold coast – where the aussie boy is from – gets below 16degrees I believe. And it already isn’t as cold this year as it was last year, haha. I should tell them to head to uniqlo and stock up on fleece tops and knitwear, cos those are really good at keeping you warm.

* * *

I’m not sure if I’ve blogged about this before, but I’ve received the results of 2 tests for my translation and interpretation course. I’m doing ok I suppose – scoring just around the average score – and getting above 70 marks, which is key. The good ones are really good, scoring above 90 marks, while the lowest are getting around 50 marks. I feel though that I’m very very average, as the grammar and vocab that appear in the model student answers are crazy. Way beyond my level. It will be interesting to see who the rest of the course participants are at the seminar in Shiga in early December.


Harris said...

sounds pretty cool...will never get this kinda experience in SG..juz submitted the JET application yesterday..hope 4 some gd news in Jan..