Wednesday, September 30, 2009

wednesdays are rubbish

it’s only my 3rd wednesday having to go to my other school, and already i’m starting to really hate the mornings.

firstly, i have to get up earlier than usual cos this school is much further away.

then, i have to make my way to the osaka loop line, which is always PACKED in the mornings. it’s really gross, cos you have to squeeze with other people early in the morning, and never fails to make me start the morning stressed.

as if that isnt enough, i also have to change trains at one of the major stations, so the platforms are full of people too.

and at the station where i get off, there’s only one staircase leading to the exit, which means there’s a bottleneck and it takes forever to get from platform to ticket gates.

after that, i go to school, where i’m the only ALT there and no one talks to me. that’s still ok, except that i also often end up being a human tape recorder in class, which makes for a very inspiring day indeed.



Ryan Cecil said...

Hey Joanne. We haven't met, I don't think, but I'm a JET living in Nishinomiya. I just found your blog for the first time and I really enjoy it.

I teach in Kobe 2 days a week and have the exact same terrible experience commuting. I started riding my bicycle into work, which takes an hour and 15 minutes. It's pretty long, but only 20 minutes longer than the trains! It's not for everyone, but the bicycle is a real refresher.

Also I am the only ALT at the school, and face some difficult JTE's. A pukefest day indeed!

Anyway take care! I've got a blog too but I seldom blog about school!

jo~ said...

Hi Ryan,

thanks for commenting!

Nishinomiya is really near my house - im on the hanshin line, at noda - and we could meet up sometime if you're interested and exchange bad-day stories :P

i know another Singaporean JET in Kobe - Kerk. Perhaps you know him too? have a few other friends in kobe as well!

yup i take my bike to school other days of the week, which is great. nowhere as far as yours though, but i suppose you do get a lot of exercise that way! :)