Friday, August 14, 2009

good news!

i’ve passed the ridiculously difficult qualifying test for the CLAIR Translation and Interpretation Course!

this means that from september, i’ll be forced to work regularly on my japanese due to this course, and i’ll have some form of paper qualification – although i doubt it’s recognised, but better than nothing rite? – for translation and interpretation! woohoo!

frankly, i expected to fail the test because it was so super hard. the description of the course was that JLPT2 was needed, but even accounting for all the kanji, grammar and vocab that i’ve lost since getting my JLPT2 2 years (gosh so long ago and not only have i not achieved anything else, i’ve deteriorated too! :S), the test was definitely above JLPT2 level.

i wonder how many marks were needed to pass the test..

meanwhile, i’m looking forward to doing the course! i’ve been thinking that i have to psyche myself into working on japanese for at least 1 hour a day each day once summer is over – the end of summer marks the start of many things i need to psyche myself into doing – so now at least i have something concrete to work on. otherwise it would just be reading japanese books (i have a few) and trying to study for JLPT1. i suppose either of those would just mean me reading japanese passages of some sort, but given my current situation where i’m in japan but using next to no japanese, reading ANYTHING is better than reading nothing.

i also have to mark out some dates in my calendar in december for a related seminar in shiga prefecture. it really bugs me that i dont know the dates cos they arent anywhere on the CLAIR website (something which i dont understand) and i dont know where i’ve placed the application book that had the dates.  at least shiga is near, and it’s gonna be during the school term..

but well. i’m glad i passed the test!