Wednesday, December 3, 2008

update update

it has been a really busy week and a half, with lots of work and fun too.. :)

although winter is officially here, the autumn leaves are only currently coming into their full glory, and i've been spending some time enjoying the foliage :) some pictures will be up in a while, together with the hiroshima ones!

meanwhile, my school will be having their end-of-year party tomorrow, and it's going to cost me an insane amount of 8000yen, which is more than $110 for you. crazy! i was really rather sore when i found out about it sometimes back, and it still hurts me a little to know that i'll have to fork out this insane amount. another of the schools is having theirs at the ritz tonight for 6000yen only, and i'm mighty jealous. the ritz! 

anyhow, the english department is going to be putting up a show tomorrow, and we're gonna perform this song, modified of course:


the teachers have basically thought of sabo-ing the 3 of us new teachers - 2 ALTs and 1 new japanese teacher - to make us pose at these 3 cross-dressers (apparently this dance is very popular among elementary school students!) who are japanese men pretending to be american women.. haha. i'm meant to be the middle person, The Brit is the blonde and the new japanese teacher the afro girl. he's basically gotten the brunt of the joke, cos they're saboing him the most. but it's kinda fun cos all the other teachers are gonna be onstage dancing with us (and we dont have to sing, cos some of the teachers will be doing that, thank goodness), just that we're gonna occupy centrestage. they're really enthusiastic about this whole song-and-dance act too, which is kinda nice. it will be fun, that's for sure :)

apart from that.. i dont have much to update on at the moment, probably cos i've been so busy! booo.