do a lot of part-time work!
i've always known that most of them work, but i was quite surprised when all but 2 students out of the 35 that i teach in this particular high school year 2 class are not working.. and for those 2, i think it's because they're in between jobs and nothing else!
and some of them work many hours a week.. one guy works on tuesdays, thursdays, fridays and weekends, which is 5 days out of 7. he works 3 hours/day on weekdays, 4 hours/day on weekends, earns about 900yen/hr, making him a very rich high school boy. some only work on weekends, but i think most work at least 2 to 3 weekdays and at least one day on the weekend, with their average salary being about 800yen. the lowest is 700yen i think, and the highest is 1150yen!
for the 2 boys who earn 1150yen/hour, they work 11 hours - crazy!! - delivering pizza from 11am to 11pm.. it's madness! that's damn lot of hours, and a lot of money! - 12650yen!!! i think they only work that many hours a week, but even then, it's still a whooping 50600yen a month!
most of them are waiters and waitresses or cooks and/or servers though.. some work in convenience stores or "home centres" - these big shops that sell various stuff from furniture to daily necessities and snacks - as cashiers, there's one who moves baggage for this transportation company, and i think that just about covers it all..
so interesting!
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